Docs for Sammy

Docs for Sammy


I hope you have the Literature Review I did for SEEP and FSD Zambia? (It's title is slightly less long than the review itself: "Evidence, Hope, and Hype: A Review of the Literature concerning Commercial Relationships between Savings Groups and Financial Service Providers".) Available here

Then, even more important, is the Evidence Map prepared under SatF by OPM.

Also, the MicroLead midterm evaluation. This is only one case, but it's a very well written thoughtful study. 

The next three documents all concern one initiative in Niger, which was a trainwreck. These are getting old and hopefully they concern errors that no one would make today, although - I hate to say it - I think some people would still make them..


My Report on Post Project Support Structures and outcomes for FSD Kenya should be an interesting document for you to look at. This has a lot of cautions about things that can go wrong.



Early Antarctic Savings Groups

Early Antarctic Savings Groups

Quit Drinkin' and Start Savin', you Kids

Quit Drinkin' and Start Savin', you Kids