Savings Revolution

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Now, THAT'S a banking procedure!

Thanks to Louise Smith who sent a link to the site of World Renew, an organization I had never heard of. Sorry, World Renew! The site has a great promotional video from Malawi. If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, scroll to about 1:05 minutes into it, where there is a very lively savings group meeting. I love the infectious energy, and the fact that the person who opens the box apparently has to keep dancing the entire time. Now, THAT’s a banking produre!

Note: Originally published May 2013, but never grows old...

Reader Comments (1)

Hi Paul
We love how they run groups in Malawi. Some of our groups (Hope for a Child) out there have to sing all the way through, it certainly makes it more enjoyable and fun. Banking and a party !

Fri, May 17, 2013 | Louise Smith